Don’t Feed The Squirrels!

 In animals, travel, wildlife

We spent today in Monterey and like good tourists, went on the 17-mile drive. I had done this drive years ago but was happy to do it again. We were about halfway through the drive when we stopped and I hopped out to go check out the seals and sea lions barking away on a nearby rock.

When I came back, there was a family of Japanese tourists giggling and laughing, and when I turned around, I saw someone sitting on the ground feeding the squirrels! It was ironic because not 5 feet away was a “DO NOT FEED ANIMALS” sign. Clearly these people did not see it… LOL. The girl was covered in squirrels and there were also about 5 seagulls and birds around her. At the time I couldn’t see what she was feeding them, but as I was editing tonight, I saw that they were cheerios!

California Ground Squirrels - Monterey | Kira Stackhouse Animal Photographer

California Ground Squirrels - Monterey | Kira Stackhouse Animal Photographer

Gimme gimme!

California Ground Squirrels - Monterey | Kira Stackhouse Animal Photographer

California Ground Squirrels - Monterey | Kira Stackhouse Animal Photographer

California Ground Squirrels - Monterey | Kira Stackhouse Animal Photographer

California Ground Squirrel - Monterey | Kira Stackhouse Animal Photographer

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